Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sevvai dosham?? no worries...

Sevvai Dosham is also popularly known as Mangal Dosham, Kuja dosha or Bhauma dosha. In tamil nadu Tamilians call it as Sevvai Kuttram. Sevvai the red planet among nine planets and is called as Planet Mars in English and is a Hindu God named Angarakan.It is an important planet which decides the important occasion in ones life..

The person affected by sevvai Doshan will be facing so many difficulties in life, especially the unmarried ladies. The one who got sevvai dosham in their horoscope should get married to the same person having this dosham. Or else its a risky way to start a new life after marriage.

Still, don't worry here is a simple but powerful way to get rid of sevvai dosham. This dosha parihaar is common to all people irrespective of their religion. They may be a hindu,a muslim or a christian. One having sevvai dosham should go to their worship place and offer NINE RED APPLES to the beggers over there. If they do so, then their dosham will be rectified gradually. But remember these apples should not be cut and given. Offer one full apple to nine persons.

contact Mr.A.S Mahasreerajhan

Numerology can provide

- A better understanding of both our positive and negative sides.

- Helps in identifying our strengths and weaknesses

- Relieve us from personal worries, doubts, negative inhibitions, confusion etc

- A way to leave harmoniously.

- Lucky dates to start an endeavor to bring success.

- Achieve your ambitions in life successfully.

And what else....


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Jolly trip? do this first...

Most of us to get a relaxation and to get rid of monotous life plans to go for a trip. The destination place say a hill station or a tourism spot or whatever it it, depends on the person or the persons. Its everyone's wish that the trip they start should be a nice and smooth one. But it is not the same everytime...

As the saying goes ' Man proposes and god disposes' many of us plan for a trip but some unexpected things happens in middle of our trip. To avoid these mischaps and to make our journey a pleasant one just follow this tip.. go to anchaneya temple and offer butter.. Then what... your trip will be a smoothest one you have ever experienced..

Marriage delayed??-here, go with this tip

A marriage is a contract between families, not just between individuals. The girl's/boy's parents investigate the family background before initiating the talks between the elders in the families. They would like to ascertain that the each family is of the same class, is of comparable financial standing, is of good reputation among the elders. But some people after crossing their right age still stand alone longing for their better half.....

There must be some dosham in their horoscope. Still here is a cool tip given by our favourite neumerologist Mr. A.S.Mahasree Rajhan.

Go to a place where thick bamboo trees are seen. In any one of the tree, tie a white cloth or an yellow cloth to it. Then think it as your favourite god and pray heartfully. While doing this, GURU's blessing will be with you and all your dosham will get rectified. Try this once and feel the difference.

Husband and wife misunderstanding.....???

Marriages are made in heaven'.. though the saying goes so, not all the marriages ends with a heavenly atmosphere. No matter its love marriage or an arranged one, misunderstanding occurs every now and then where ego is at the top from both the sides.Years of increasing stress, frustration, distrust, declining respect, ineffective communication, and disillusionments between couple debilitate tender marriage bonds.

Pre-divorce period also include attempts to heal the marriage with various remedies, including counseling. Seeing a counselor about relationship definitely has its benefits. A counselor can sometimes help both partners to identify the situations that have caused misunderstanding and disagreements and ask them to modify their thinking processes. But it can't always easily help them in eliminating the inner cause.

There will be some dosham or some mistakes that might have taken place say their marriage date itself!!! some marriage dates won't suit the couple which ends up in a separation. Here is a tip which all couple can follow irrespective of their caste and creed.

Take two bamboos of 10 inches height and tie that with a new bought yellow cloth. Put kumkum and turmeric and insert a lotus petal in between. Worship this bamboo for three continuous full moon and leave it in running water. This is a simple remedy for those couple who doesn't understand their spouse. If this done, then the misunderstanding between couples will vanish and love will prevail throughout their life time.

Human cell has life so as your cell phone number too....

A mobile phone is an electronic telecommunications device, often referred to as a cellular phone or cellphone. Mobile phones connect to a wireless communications network through radio wave or satellite transmissions. Most mobile phones provide voice communications, Short Message Service (SMS), Multimedia Message Service (MMS), and newer phones may also provide Internet services such as Web browsing and email.

Now a days people without an mobile is very difficult to see. Even the Platform peoples own a one with them. Mobile phone has a very big impact with our life now a days. Most of the times these mobile numbers we own have a great impact in our life....

People having number ending with '0' or '8' will not be having a peaceful atmosphere their in life. Particularly, most of the business men whose number ending up with the above given number will be facing loss in business. In other words,there wont be a huge turnover though hard work is done. For others, the mobile will get missed often. This might be because of the number they own or for some bad news will coming as their mobile number doen't suit them with their birthdate or fate number.

This must be rectified as a small things seems to be doing bigger changes in our life.

Vastu-home tips

In those days, houses were generally constructed according to the rules of Vastu Shastra and people lived happily. In those days memebers of a joint family used to be happy, contented, prosperous. But in recent times, despite of the families being small, like nuclear families, peace and happiness remains a far cry. As culture ruins and time advanced, we started ignoring our old culture and tradition.......

The rule of vastu shastra should not be ignore while constructing a house and after construction in fully finished. Here some tips which can be easily followed by everyone as basic vastu tips:

1.Place a picture of bright sunrise on southern wall in the hall.

2.Dining -room should not be exposed to the frount door of the house.

3.Never hang a mirror in kitchen.

4.Place an aquarium in the south east corner in the living room.

5.Windows should kept open outward normally.

6. Keep the broom and mops out of the sight as far as possible.

Women's health and beauty..

It is customary and our traditon to draw a kolam or rangoli at the entrance of the house.In good olden days, the entrance to the house was normally a mud flooring. Water was sprinkled early in the morning (say by 5.00 or before that) on the mud ground so that dust will not be eroded by the morning breeze and also to prevent dust from entering the house. Cowdung, a natural sanitizer was mixed with water and sprinkled around.It too act as a disinfectant. The ladies coming out to draw the kolam early in the morning had the benefit of ozone also which keeps the mind fresh and calm but gives energy needed for the whole day..

The kolam is a free hand drawing and a traditional form of art. previously it was drawn with rice flour and when dried becomes food for ants and small insects which is equal to bhootha yagna performed.

These designs are believed to produce positive cosmic forces which will improve the lot of people who dwell in the house.It is supposed to prevent undesirable elements from entering the house. There are intricate kolams which are drawn with many dots. Completing them successfully needs a lot of concentration and patience.This gives a good training to our mind that whatever be the situations in life, we must learn to emerge out of them smoothly and tactfully.

Besides giving aesthetic beauty at the entrance, the kolam also provides a physical exercise for the women, early in the morning. The bending and drawing the kolam gives a good exercise to the waist and hips, thereby strengthening their uterus and giving them flexibility and growth.

Its also scientifically proven that which index finger and thumb touches each other, some energy flow is made from there to the brain which activates the later. This is done while drawing kolam.

Gone those golden days... now a days these traditional concept is replaced with stickers which saves time but empties the pocket for medicinal expense...right???

Baby Numerology

As in most area of life, numerology plays a vital role in childbirth as well. One woman may tell her story of the delivery of her child and everything went smoothly, quickly and without complication. For others, the labor was incredibly long, very painful, with many complications or difficulties. I had the privilege of watching my own children’s births.
Research’s have proved that numerology is relates to childbirth; and I have found that once again, your birth numbers play an important role in the timing for this important event.

The women who give birth in their harmonious birth periods are those that experienced the first kind of delivery . Things went smoothly, the labor was shorter, the baby was healthy. For those who went into labor during their period of “opposition” are those that witnessed the more difficult experiences. These deliveries saw more occurrences of premature babies, cesarean deliveries, under-weight babies, or difficult labors.some guidelines are given below for you to be aware of for the best and not-so-great timing for your baby’s delivery. Perhaps it may better prepare you for these miraculous experiences.

Nevertheless, whatever period of time your baby is born in, I know you will love it more than you can imagine. Cherish each and every moment, even the difficult ones. It will go by so fast. Be sure, if you are pregnant, that you take the best possible care of yourself and eat healthy. This will also ensure that your baby has the best possible chances in life.

Finally You will gain a great deal of insight and parenting ideas when you discover if your child’s birth number matches yours or not. You will enjoy learning about each other’s differences and how to best understand your child.

Can Numerology predict our Health,Financials difficulties,accidents,and other problems?

Numerology has both sides to predict and non- predict your life. Certain cycles definitely point to the possibility of painful and hard experiences at certain times in your life, such as money problems, divorce, accidents and so on. In the same way, numerology indicate beforehand in many positive events.
However, at such times the person always has the opportunity to turn the course of events in his favor, or to let a beautiful opportunity slide by. Numerology can indicate, for example, that a certain period of your life will be highly rewarding, a kind of payment for years of effort. Numerology can be very accurate in such predictions. However, the rewards are comparable to the effort you have made. Little effort brings small rewards; great effort brings great rewards. In the same way, numerology reveals the sowing and the harvesting cycles of life. If you have sown seeds of selfishness and greed, you will experience a time of loss-financial loss, or the loss of support from others. Your chart reveals your potential, your strengths, your weaknesses, your challenges, and your lessons to be learned. Every number suggests potential strengths and weaknesses; all things have their light and dark sides. It is your freedom as an individual to draw from your highest potential. A numerologist can have a good idea of which direction a person will likely move in, and how much of his potential he will use or abuse. This is known by considering the balance of a chart, or the spreading of the energies. This is by far the biggest challenge for a numerologist, even after many years of experience. For example, a person with few or no 1s in the overall chart will have a difficult time establishing a strong identity; he will likely lack drive and willpower. On the other hand, he may be a loving, giving, and very cooperative person, but perhaps a bit of a wimp. A person with an excessive number of 1s will have a strong identity, and enormous personal power, ambition, and drive, but will be tempted to become domineering, selfish, aggressive, and perhaps, violent. Both cases are examples of an imbalance within the chart of which the person must be conscious.

Historical background of vasthu

In the Vedic period, people built homes, temples and recreation place with a view to have a peaceful and harmonious living. But, in the modern world people build concrete clusters, mainly for the high rate of return and with business motive. This race to make buildings not only strong but not in line with the ancient bye laws of nature has led the world into pollution, environment and ecological problems with no peace of mind under any kind of shelter....

Vedas are not new to the other parts of the world and there have been people of all levels who have appreciated the depth, inspirations and insight of Vedic thoughts for many years. Our saints knew various mysterious and mystics of this vast universe even before western scientist could start finding them out. One of the systems discovered by them was VASTU SHASTRA.


Meaning – Because of VASTU SHASTRA, the whole universe gets good health, happiness and all round prosperity. Human beings attain divinity with this knowledge. Followers of VASTU SHASTRA get not only worldly pleasure but also experience heavenly bliss and healthy living. With the above shloka, it is very much clear that VASTU SHASTRA is universal. It is not confined to any particular group of people in the development of all human being irrespective of any caste, creed or religion.

ராகு-கேது தோஷம்மா ??- கவலை வேண்டவே வேண்டாம்

ராகு - கேது தோஷமானது, ஒருவரின் வாழ்வில் பல திருப்பங்களை ஏற்படுத்தும். சில மிக முக்கியமான காரியங்கள் நடவாமல் போவதும் இந்த தோஷதினாலும் இருக்கலாம். ராது - கேது சர்ப்ப தோஷம் உள்ளவர்களுக்கு, திருமணம் நடவாமல் போகலாம், தொழில் அல்லது சுயதொழியில் லாபம் இல்லாமல் போகலாம், ஆரோக்கியம் குன்றலாம், எப்போதும் மனக்குழப்பம் இருக்கலாம், எதிலும் தடை ஏற்படலாம்...

இவர்கள் கீழ் கண்ட முத்தான முறையை செய்ய வேண்டும்.

ஒரு சப்போட்டா பழத்தை எடுத்து அதன் விடையை நீக்கி விட வேண்டும். பின்பு அதில் சுத்தமான பசுன்நெய்யை ஊற்றி புத்தரின் மீது வைக்கவும். சுத்தமான திரியை எடுத்து அதை சிவப்பு குங்குமத்தில் புரட்டி எடுத்து கொள்ளவும். இந்த திரியை சப்போட்டா பழ விளக்கில் வைத்து விடவும். பின்பு கைகளை நன்றாக அலம்பி விட்டு விளக்கு ஏற்ற வேண்டும். பின்பு அப்பாம்பு புற்றை இடது புறமாக ௧௫ முறை ப்ப்ராதித்து சுற்றி வர வேண்டும். இதை ஞாயிறு தோறும் 13வாரத்திற்கு செய்ய வேண்டும். பெண்கள் 'அந்த' நாட்களில் அல்லது வாரத்தில் அதை தவிர்க்க வேண்டும். ஆனால் ஆண்கள் இதை தவறாமல் செய்து வர வேண்டும். இதனால் ராகு கேது தோஷம் நீங்கி நன்மை பெறலாம்.

ஒரு முறை காலஹஸ்திக்கு சென்று ராகு கேது தோஷம் நிர்வர்த்தி பூஜை செய்தும் வரவும்

Human cell has life so as your cell phone number too....

A mobile phone is an electronic telecommunications device, often referred to as a cellular phone or cellphone. Mobile phones connect to a wireless communications network through radio wave or satellite transmissions. Most mobile phones provide voice communications, Short Message Service (SMS), Multimedia Message Service (MMS), and newer phones may also provide Internet services such as Web browsing and email.

Now a days people without an mobile is very difficult to see. Even the Platform peoples own a one with them. Mobile phone has a very big impact with our life now a days. Most of the times these mobile numbers we own have a great impact in our life....

People having number ending with '0' or '8' will not be having a peaceful atmosphere their in life. Particularly, most of the business men whose number ending up with the above given number will be facing loss in business. In other words,there wont be a huge turnover though hard work is done. For others, the mobile will get missed often. This might be because of the number they own or for some bad news will coming as their mobile number doen't suit them with their birthdate or fate number.

This must be rectified as a small things seems to be doing bigger changes in our life.

Date of birth and fate

The first part was about BIRTH number (date of birth) Now it is all about FATE number.
The fate number is the sum total of the date, month and year numbers of a person.
For example: If a person's date of birth is 17-7-1988
To calculate the Fate number we have to add and calculate
The fate number in this example is 3.

The birth number indicates that, "What we are given with in this life".
The fate number indicates that, "How we are using, what we are given with".
Now let's take up 'NAME' number.
The name number is the single digit number of the total of all the alphabets of a name. Every English alphabet has a number allotted to it.

Alphabets and Numbers:
A I J Q Y = 1.
B R K = 2.
C G L S = 3.
D M T = 4.
E H N X = 5.
U V W = 6.
O Z = 7.
P F = 8.
Number 9 has no associated alphabets.

Example to arrive a name number :
Name - S.Arunothayam= S A R U N O T H A Y A M.
3+ 1+ 2+ 6+ 5+ 7+ 4+ 5+1+ 1+ 1 + 5 =41 =4+1=5.
The name number of S.Arunothayam is number 5.

The BIRTH, The FATE and The name numbers are important in numerology. There are some more numbers, but the above mentioned three numbers are the most important.

Numbers 6 5 3 1 and 9 are considered stronger than numbers 8 7 4 2.

If one had got his birth, fate and name numbers good and harmonious, his whole life would be happy and comfortable. He would be the LUCKY one. There should be a good combination of the three numbers to be lucky.

We cannot alter our birth number or our fate number. But we can select and change our name number to be lucky. A name number should be friendly and have harmonious vibrations to birth and the fate numbers. If any one or both the birth and the fate numbers were weak, we should select a strong name number to overcome the problem.

By adding or removing some letters here and there the name can be changed as fortunate.
There is no need to worry if the birth or fate number were not good. We can always select a lucky name number and live happily forever.

Do not try to change your name without consulting a good numerologist. It may leed you in more trouble to your life.

மனித 'செல்' க்கும் உயிர் உண்டு,உங்க செல் numberக்கும் உயிரோட்டமுண்டு

செல் போன் பொதுவாக இப்போது எல்லோரிடமும் காணபடுகின்றது. எப்படி 'செல்'(human cells) இல்லையென்றால் உயிர் இல்லைய்யோ, அது போல் இக்காலத்தில் cell phone(mobile) இல்லையென்றால் மதிப்பில்லை என்ற காலகட்டத்திற்கு வந்துவிட்டோம். பிட்சை எடுப்போரிடமும் செல் இருக்கும் காலம் மிது.

செல் numberக்கும் numerologyக்கும் தொடர்பு உண்டா என்றால் நூறு சதவீதம் உண்டு எனலாம். சுய தொழில் செய்பவர்கள் தங்களது பிசினஸ் தேவைக்காக செல் வாங்கும் போது அந்த எண் தமக்கு ஒத்து வருமா என்று ஆலோசித்து வாங்க வேண்டும். ஏனென்றால் சில பேருக்கு அவர்களது மொபைல் எண்ண '௦0' அல்லது '8' ஆக முடியும் போது அவர்களது தொழிலில் மந்த நிலை ஏற்படும். விருத்தி இருக்காது. லாபமும் இருக்காது. சில பேருக்கு அந்த மொபைல் போனே தொலைந்து கொண்டே இருக்கும், சிலருக்கு அதில் நல்ல விஷயமோ, விபரமோ வரவே வராது. ஏதாவது கெட்ட செய்தியே அனேகமாக வந்த வண்ணம் இருக்கும்.

சிலருக்கு, அந்த எண் பல குடும்ப பிரச்சனைகளுக்கு வழி வகுக்கும். இது எல்லோருக்கு பொதுவானது அல்ல அனால் எப்படியும் 90%௦ சதவீதம் இந்த எண் முடிய பெற்றோர் பிரச்சனைக்கு ஆளாகுவர். அதனால் செல் number தேர்வு செய்யும் போது சிந்தித்து செயல்படுங்கள். பான்சி(fancy) நம்பர் என்று சொல்லி உங்கள் கரன்சியை கோட்டை விட்டுவிடாதீர்...

குழந்தை வளர்ப்பும்-வாழ்க்கையில் கசப்பும்

குறைத்தது இருபது வருட காலமாக கணவன் மனைவியை புரிந்து கொள்வதில்லை அதுபோல மனைவி கணவனை புரிந்துகொல்வதில்ல்லை என்ன காரணம்? என்ன சொசிஎட்டி யோ ? அல்லது தாய் தந்தையரின் வளர்ப்பா? அல்லது அவர் பழகிய விதமா? புரியாத புதிராகவே சென்று கொண்டிருக்கிறது இந்த சமுதாயம்...

ஒரு pencil ஆனது கூர்மையாக இருக்கும்போது அதில் வரையும் தன்மை நன்றாக வருகின்றது. ஆனால் அந்த pencilலின் கூர்மை மாறும் பொது, drawingகின் தன்மையும் மாறுபடுகிறது. அதுபோல தாய், தந்தையரின் பெயர்களின் தன்மைக்கு ஏற்றவாறு குழந்தைகளின் வளர்ப்பு முறை மாறுபடுகிறது. இது நம்முடைய 20 வருட கால கணக்கின் அடிப்படையில் கண்டறியப்பட்ட உண்மை. இந்த formulaவே புது formulaவான prono-typology.(an advanced new version of numerology)

சுகாதார கேடு- பெண்களுக்கு

பழங்காலத்தில் பெண்கள் சூரியன் உதயமாவதற்கு முன்பாக எழுந்து நீராடிவிட்டு, வாயிலை சுத்தம் செய்து, கோலமிடுவது வழக்கம். இதற்குள் அறிவியல் பூர்வமாக ஓர் உண்மை ஒளிந்து இருக்கிறது. அது...

அது என்னவென்றால், பெண்கள் குனித்து வேலை செய்யும்போது அவர்களுக்கு கற்பப்பை நன்கு வளர்ச்சி அடையும். அதுமட்டுமில்லாமல் பெருவிரலும், ஆள்காட்டி விரலும் ஒன்றை ஒன்று தொட்டுக்கொண்டு ஒரு காரியம் செய்யும்போடு ஒருவருடைய பொறுமையும் மூளைவளர்ச்சியும் நன்கு வலுப்பெற்று தேர்சியடைகிறது. வலு பெறுகிறது.

இது போன்று பெண்கள் வேலைகள் செய்வதை தவிர்த்து வந்ததால், uterus வியாதிகள் அதிகரித்தே சென்றுக்கொண்டிருக்கிறது. குறிப்பாக, வேலைக்கு செல்லும் பெண்கள் அவ்வபோது hospitalக்கும் செல்வது fashionனாக மாறிவிடுகிறது.