Numerology has both sides to predict and non- predict your life. Certain cycles definitely point to the possibility of painful and hard experiences at certain times in your life, such as money problems, divorce, accidents and so on. In the same way, numerology indicate beforehand in many positive events.
However, at such times the person always has the opportunity to turn the course of events in his favor, or to let a beautiful opportunity slide by. Numerology can indicate, for example, that a certain period of your life will be highly rewarding, a kind of payment for years of effort. Numerology can be very accurate in such predictions. However, the rewards are comparable to the effort you have made. Little effort brings small rewards; great effort brings great rewards. In the same way, numerology reveals the sowing and the harvesting cycles of life. If you have sown seeds of selfishness and greed, you will experience a time of loss-financial loss, or the loss of support from others. Your chart reveals your potential, your strengths, your weaknesses, your challenges, and your lessons to be learned. Every number suggests potential strengths and weaknesses; all things have their light and dark sides. It is your freedom as an individual to draw from your highest potential. A numerologist can have a good idea of which direction a person will likely move in, and how much of his potential he will use or abuse. This is known by considering the balance of a chart, or the spreading of the energies. This is by far the biggest challenge for a numerologist, even after many years of experience. For example, a person with few or no 1s in the overall chart will have a difficult time establishing a strong identity; he will likely lack drive and willpower. On the other hand, he may be a loving, giving, and very cooperative person, but perhaps a bit of a wimp. A person with an excessive number of 1s will have a strong identity, and enormous personal power, ambition, and drive, but will be tempted to become domineering, selfish, aggressive, and perhaps, violent. Both cases are examples of an imbalance within the chart of which the person must be conscious.